Look At The World Through Shiva’s Three Eyes


We are accustomed to seeing people with two eyes. So, anyone with an extra eye would attract attention and be termed a freak. However, Shiva, with his three eyes, is beautiful and unique.

The ‘Vedasara Shiva Stotram’, states that the three eyes of Shiva are the sun, moon, and fire – ‘indu arka vahni trinetram’. This is not easy to digest. What does it imply? When we refer to the sun, moon and fire as the three eyes of Bhagvan, our focus is on the fact that they are all sources of light; He, the three-eyed One, is the illuminator of the whole world.

Even though light is the common factor, each has its own special feature and quality. Fire, with its ability to burn and reduce things to ashes, has the twin qualities of light and heat. The sun is bright and brilliant, but its light does not burn objects, it illumines them. Conversely, the moon’s light has a cooling, peaceful quality.

Shiva views the world with his three eyes. When the distressed and sorrowful approach him, he looks at them through his moonlike pleasing and consoling eyes; when he grants knowledge, his eyes become bright.

Comprehension is associated with light; when we understand something, we say, ‘I was in the dark; but now it is as clear as daylight.’ Similarly, a student with a sharp intellect is a bright student and the teacher who passes on the knowledge instantly and clearly, is a brilliant teacher!

In the darkness, a flashlight illumines a limited area, but sunlight illuminates the whole world in a flash. Shiva can convey knowledge to us – in an instant.

Fire has the capacity to burn. We are familiar with the story of Kamadeva who tried his utmost to disturb Bhagvan’s tapas, and was reduced to ashes by his fiery eyes.

Likewise, we look at people in three different ways. When we are angry, we look as though we are ready to burn down the object of our anger – agni-drishti. When we look at someone with love, we have chandra-drishti -- moon-eyes. We are loving, pleasing, consoling and reassuring. Surya-drishti is eye of the teacher that bestows knowledge and enlightens us. There is yet another interpretation. Bhagvan is the karmaphala data -- giver of the fruits of actions. He dispenses justice.  Similarly, a judge must also have three eyes. First is nyaya-drishti, the eye of objectivity; the verdict or punishment meted out must be in keeping with the law alone. However, if the judge goes strictly according to the letter of the law, without any karuna, compassion, the sentence could be unduly harsh. But if compassion is the only consideration, it may result in anarchy. To ensure a wise and correct verdict, he must use jnana-drishti, the third eye of discrimination. Thus, the rule of law will be safeguarded, and the level of crime will also fall.

Shiva, the dispenser of fruits of action, softens justice with compassion and assesses with discretion and knowledge. Accordingly, when we act in the capacity of a judge, on a smaller or larger scale, while dealing with others, we must use the three eyes of justice, compassion, and discrimination.

Word Meanings:

accustomed: customary; usual, आदी, अभ्यस्त
freak: a very unusual and unexpected event or situation, सनकी, लीला
imply: strongly suggest the truth or existence of (something not expressly stated), मतलब, अर्थ निकालना
illuminator: publisher, प्रकाशक
illumines: light up; brighten, रोशनी
Conversely: introducing a statement or idea which reverses one that has just been made or referred to, इसके विपरीत, उल्टे
distressed: suffering from anxiety, sorrow, or pain, व्यथित, आपदाग्रस्त
sorrowful: feeling or showing grief, उदास
pleasing: satisfying or appealing, मनभावन, सुखद, आनन्ददायक
consoling: serving to comfort someone at a time of grief or disappointment, सांत्वना, दिलासा देना
intellect: the faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, especially with regard to abstract or academic matters, बुद्धि, ज्ञान, समझ
illuminates: make (something) visible or bright by shining light on it; light up, प्रकाशित, उजागर करना
convey: transport or carry to a place, संप्रेषित, भेजना, पहुंचाना, ले जाना
utmost: most extreme; greatest, अधिकतम, परम
reassuring: serving or intended to remove someone's doubts or fears, आश्वस्त, आश्वासनपूर्ण
bestows: confer or present (an honor, right, or gift), शुभकामनाएँ, प्रदान करना
enlightens: give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation, ज्ञानवर्धन करता है, बतलाना
interpretation: the action of explaining the meaning of something, व्याख्या, अर्थ
dispenses: distribute or provide (a service or information) to a number of people, वितरित, बांटना, विभाग करना,
verdict: a decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case or an inquest, निर्णय, विचार, फ़ैसला
compassion: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others, दया, सहानुभूति, कृपा
consideration: careful thought, typically over a period of time, विचार,
anarchy: a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority, अराजकता, अव्यवस्था, गड़बड़ी
dispenser: a person or thing that dispenses something, दवासाज़
assesses: evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of, निर्धारितियों, आंकना
discretion: the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information, विवेक, निर्णय, बुद्धिमानी, अक़्लमंदी

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